

Skyfall is indeed changing our server back to PvXC. More and more people have been asking about making our server PvXC permanently. Our server was originally heavily pvp-centric and had to evolve away as hacks became prevalent. Now that we are secure and passworded, it makes sense to go bring more pvp options back online. [ read more… ]


Skyfall Manual Structure Decay System

Skyfall PvX has auto Structure (and tame) Decay toggled off. Players can clean up PvP zones themselves. Breaking structure and killing tames at will. In the perma PvE zones its a bit different. There is no mechanic for any player other than the tribe itself to delete structures or kill tames. Obviously, as players leave [ read more… ]


Skyfall Hiring Staff

Skyfall PvXC is growing and we need to fill a couple of new positions. Having the right people in these positions will help grow our community even more, which is beneficial to us all. We use lots of web-based systems for staff jobs and events so require more reading than most other Arks servers. You [ read more… ]


Skyfall PvX Medium

Skyfall PvX is an unofficial Ark mobile server being run by Skyfall tribe. We have been playing together since 2019 and have earned a reputation for honesty and fair play. We run our server(s) similarly. We’ve chosen PvX because there are so many cheats in the game. We want to afford players the chance to [ read more… ]


Introducing Watchdogs!

The Watchdog program is one in which players help out the staff in improving our community. Players are given an exclusive role, here on our website, to access a private page with a few commands. These command buttons send text Alerts with audio alarms directly to the Game Admins. for a faster response. These alerts [ read more… ]


How do I get a Starter Kit?

To get your Starter Kit, you must join our discord. Once there, only a few Public channels will be visible to you. First Read Our Rules You must first read our #rules. At the bottom of the first-and-only-post in that channel, you will see a section entitled, REQUIRED. There is a small green square emoji [ read more… ]


Skyfall PvX

Skyfall is now running a PvX server. A true PvX, with a rectangular PvP zone in the center of the map and PvE to the outside regions. This decision was made due to the rampant griefers maliciously wiping servers with hacks. You may, of course, build in either zone. Skyfall admins will continue to keep [ read more… ]


Can I Get Stuff from the Admins?

The Short Answer is “no”. We do not interfere in normal gameplay except to enforce our #rules or when running a community events. We will not change it to daylight hours or kill dinosaurs for you or help you get your stuff from a cave. We do not give out free anything to our players [ read more… ]


Community Events

Skyfall PvX hosts several fun and novel community events on a regular basis. Two of our newest are detailed below: PvP Scavenger Hunts We host regular PvP Scavenger Hunts. Use a custom interface right here on our website to get pictures of locations on the island you must recognize and find. Or to get instructions [ read more… ]


So You Want To Be A Game Admin

We have several excellent Game Administrators that have all played Official together. We do not hire strangers straight to Admin so please do not ask. Instead, offer some ideas on how to grow the population on our server; How to improve the gameplay of our existing community. Donate toward the upkeep of the server. Stand [ read more… ]