“King of Carno is a hardcore PvP tribe event. Easy to understand, difficult to master.”
The Admins. will initiate the countdown timer below. Tribes must endeavor to conquer Carno Island for their own. Likely this will mean they need to build defenses. Carno Island is a part of the permanent PvP Zone. At the end of the event, the winning tribe may keep their defenses on Carno Island in preparation for the next King of Carno event.
Conquering Carno Island
When the countdown timer has finished, a Skyfall staff member will inspect the top of the hill at the center of Carno Island. A tribe is considered to have conquered the island if they are the only tribe with a Multi Panel Flag planted at the top of this central hill at the time of inspection.
The tribe that wins King of Carno will earn the following rewards;
- Tek Rifle
- Alarm Tower
- Fifty (50) Metal Walls
- Twelve (12) Giant Metal Hatchframes
- Twenty (20) Metal Foundations
- Fifteen (15) Auto Turrets
- Five (5) Eerie Turrets
- Eight hundred (800) Gasoline
- 2,000 Silica Pearls
- 1,000 Cementing Paste
- Five (5) suits(5-piece set) of Ascendant Riot Armor
- 50% off coupon for all PvP items in the Skyfall Store
To collect your rewards, #create-ticket in the Skyfall Discord.